Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Bakers OriginWeight (kgs)Baker Potatoes 60’s “Garden of Elveden”UK -Nor/Suf 15.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Bakers OriginWeight (kgs)Baker Potatoes 50’s “Garden of Elveden”UK -Nor/Suf 15.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Bakers OriginWeight (kgs)Baker Potatoes 40’s “Garden of Elveden”UK -Nor/Suf 15.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Mids OriginWeight (kgs)Washed Mids P/P 12 x 750gUK -Nor/Suf 9.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Mids OriginWeight (kgs)Washed MidsUK -Nor/Suf 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes New OriginWeight (kgs)Potatoes “Prep” (Sagitta)UK 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Ware OriginWeight (kgs)Washed Potatoes “Whites”UK 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Ware OriginWeight (kgs)Washed Potatoes “Reds”UK 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Ware OriginWeight (kgs)10kg Potatoes (small bags)UK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Ware OriginWeight (kgs)Prepacked Potatoes 10 x 1.5kgUK -Nor/Suf 15.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Ware OriginWeight (kgs)Potatoes “Maris Piper”UK-Lincs. 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes PotatoesFresh Produce Vegetables Potatoes Ware OriginWeight (kgs)Potatoes “Stemster” (Red)UK-Norfolk 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Leeks OriginWeight (kgs)Leeks “Boxes”UK 4.50
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Leeks OriginWeight (kgs)Leeks “Large Trays” (9kg)UK -Nor/Suf 9.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Shallot Onions “Round”UK 4.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Shallot Onions “Banana”UK 4.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Red Onions “Nets”UK 8.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Red Onions “Large” (Nets)UK 8.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Pickler OnionsUK 5.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Onions LargeUK 20.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Alliums AlliumsFresh Produce Vegetables Alliums Onions OriginWeight (kgs)Onions Medium 60-80mmUK-Lincs. 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Broccoli OriginWeight (kgs)Sprouting Broccoli “Purple”UK 3.60
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Spring Green x 12’sUK 6.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Cabbages WhiteUK 20.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Cabbages RedUK 25.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Cabbages “Duncan” (Pointed) x 10-12’sUK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Cavolo Nero “Black Kale” (Loose)UK-Suffolk 4.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Cabbages “Savoys” x 12’sUK-Suffolk 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cabbage OriginWeight (kgs)Cabbages “Primo” x 12’sUK-Suffolk 12.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cauliflower OriginWeight (kgs)Cauliflowers x 8’sUK 6.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Cauliflower OriginWeight (kgs)Romanesco Caulis “Green” x 6’sUK-Norfolk 6.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Kale OriginWeight (kgs)KalettesUK-Suffolk 1.80
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Sprouts OriginWeight (kgs)SproutsUK 9.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas BrassicasFresh Produce Vegetables Brassicas Sprouts OriginWeight (kgs)Single Sprouts Stalks UKUK 3.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Beetroot OriginWeight (kgs)Beetroot Bunched x 12’sUK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Beetroot OriginWeight (kgs)Beetroot “Golden”UK-Norfolk 5.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Beetroot OriginWeight (kgs)Beetroot “Candy”UK-Norfolk 5.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Beetroot OriginWeight (kgs)Beetroot “Red” (uncooked)UK-Suffolk 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Carrots OriginWeight (kgs)Chantenay Carrots (Tri colour)UK 5.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Carrots OriginWeight (kgs)Chantenay Carrots “Orange”UK 5.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Carrots OriginWeight (kgs)Carrots Bunched Heritage “Rainbow” x10’sUK 6.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Carrots OriginWeight (kgs)Carrots “Large” (Poly Bags)UK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Carrots OriginWeight (kgs)CarrotsUK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Celeriac OriginWeight (kgs)CeleriacUK-Lincs. 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Parsnip OriginWeight (kgs)Parsnips “Boxes”UK 5.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Parsnip OriginWeight (kgs)Parsnips “Nets” class 2UK -Nor/Suf 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Roots RootsFresh Produce Vegetables Roots Swedes OriginWeight (kgs)SwedesUK 12.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Squashes SquashesFresh Produce Vegetables Squashes Squashes Misc OriginWeight (kgs)Squash “Mixed Edible”UK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Squashes SquashesFresh Produce Vegetables Squashes Squashes Misc OriginWeight (kgs)Squash “Blaze” x 8’sUK 15.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Squashes SquashesFresh Produce Vegetables Squashes Squashes Misc OriginWeight (kgs)Squash “Turban” x 7’sUK-Norfolk 15.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Exotic OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Chestnut Brown”UK -Nor/Suf 2.72
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Exotic OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Brown” Prepacked 8 x 250gUK -Nor/Suf 2.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Flat” Prepacked 6 x 250gUK -Nor/Suf 1.50
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Flat” (Extra Large)UK -Nor/Suf 1.81
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Flat”UK -Nor/Suf 1.82
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Cups” Prepacked 8 x 250gUK -Nor/Suf 2.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Cups”UK -Nor/Suf 1.36
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Button” Prepacked 8 x 200gUK -Nor/Suf 1.60
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms MushroomsFresh Produce Vegetables Mushrooms Standard OriginWeight (kgs)Mushrooms “Button”UK -Nor/Suf 1.36
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Exotic Vegetables Exotic VegetablesFresh Produce Vegetables Exotic Vegetables Leaves OriginWeight (kgs)Bokchoi “Baby Pakchoi” 10 x 2’sUK 10.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Misc Vegetables Misc VegetablesFresh Produce Vegetables Misc Vegetables Beanshoots OriginWeight (kgs)Beanshoots Prepacked 8 x 250gUK 2.00
Vegetables Fresh Produce Vegetables Misc Vegetables Misc VegetablesFresh Produce Vegetables Misc Vegetables Beanshoots OriginWeight (kgs)Beanshoots “Loose bags”UK 3.90